We aspire to equip businesses with the essential financial knowledge necessary to cultivate growth and foster innovation. Our Finance Unlocked training programme empowers our partners to effectively promote and sell leasing as solution to enable their customers business investment. The programme is led by our Head of Partner Training and Development, Andy Milsom. With a career spanning over 25 years in the leasing industry he brings a wealth of expertise, finely attuned to the nuances of the selling pain points for our partners.

Finance Unlocked allows our partners to harness the benefits of leasing, while facilitating their customers journey towards business success. Rated highly for its bespoke training modules and offered at no cost to our partners, the programme serves as a vital resource and differential in today’s competitive landscape.


  • Offered free of charge to our partners, potentially saving thousands in training costs.
  • Our training modules are led by our CPD accredited expert Andy Milsom.
  • Choose from face to face, webinar or online training.
  • From just 10 minutes per module, you can select the modules which best match your training needs and tailor the programme to suit your schedule.

We sat down with Andy to delve deeper into how Finance Unlocked benefits the partners that have attended, but also serves as a catalyst for driving business growth.

What inspired the creation of Finance Unlocked, and what goals did you aim to achieve with this programme?

The inspiration behind Finance Unlocked stemmed from a recognition of the evolving needs of partner sales teams in the asset finance industry. We noticed a growing demand for bespoke solutions tailored to the specific challenges faced by partners. With Finance Unlocked, our goal is help generate business growth for our partners by equipping them with the knowledge they need to confidently sell leasing.

  1. How does Finance Unlocked differ from traditional training programmes in the industry?

Finance Unlocked stands apart from traditional training programmes because of its bespoke nature. Unlike generic training offerings, Finance Unlocked is tailored to the unique markets and objectives of our partners. This ensures that every session is highly relevant and directly applicable to the challenges faced by partner sales teams.

Could you elaborate on the accreditation process with the CPD (Continuing Professional Development) and its significance for the Finance Unlocked programme?

This certification attests to the programme’s adherence to the highest standards of quality and integrity. CPD accreditation provides partners with assurance regarding the credibility and effectiveness of Finance Unlocked.


  • How to use finance to sell equipment before and at point of sale
  • Industry trends and reasons why end-users choose finance to acquire capital equipment
  • Underwriting and how reading accounts can increase proposal acceptance rates
  • A general overview of regulation and compliance as it affects partner sales teams.

Sessions are meticulously tailored to the objectives of our partners and the specific market dynamics in which they operate. By customising the content to address the unique challenges faced by each partner, we ensure that Finance Unlocked delivers maximum value and relevance.

Could you walk us through a typical session of Finance Unlocked, highlighting its interactive elements and engagement strategies?

Our engagement strategies are directed by our own sales teams, ensuring alignment with partner objectives. We typically utilise a webinar format and maximise engagement through interactive elements such as Q&A sessions and case studies, however we do also offer face to face sessions. From here, each session of Finance Unlocked is tailored to suit the specific requirements of our partners. While smaller partners may opt for single sessions covering specific topics, larger partners often prefer comprehensive training programmes.

  1. How do you ensure that Finance Unlocked remains relevant and up-to-date in an ever-evolving industry landscape?

I actively engage with relevant publications and attend industry events and webinars organised by esteemed agencies like the Office for National Statistics, Bank of England, and Institute for Fiscal Studies. By remaining informed about emerging trends and best practices, we ensure that Finance Unlocked evolves in tandem with the dynamic needs of the industry.


Can you share any success stories or notable outcomes resulting from the implementation of Finance Unlocked?

The feedback we receive is overwhelmingly positive. We’ve witnessed a strong demand for repeat sessions covering different content, indicating the tangible value that Finance Unlocked delivers to our partners. This positive reception underscores the effectiveness of the programme in empowering partner sales teams with the knowledge and skills they need for their business thrive.

WHAT do our Partners think?

The right amount of information that keeps you engaged and involved.”

Great presentation, ensuring all levels of understanding are covered.”

Really helpful and good to explain to customers about why asset finance is important for their business.”

What ongoing support or resources are available to partners post-training to reinforce their learning from Finance Unlocked?

Following the training sessions, we provide partners with ongoing support and resources to reinforce their learning from Finance Unlocked. This includes offering follow-up training sessions to delve deeper into specific topics or address any additional questions or concerns that may arise. We also distribute slides used during the training sessions, allowing partners to revisit key concepts and reinforce their understanding. Additionally, partners have access to relevant blogs and resources via social media channels ensuring continuous learning and development beyond the initial training period.

In your opinion, what are the key benefits that partners derive from participating in Finance Unlocked?

Partners participating in Finance Unlocked stand to gain a multitude of benefits. Not only do they  acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills essential for success in the asset finance industry; they also develop a more efficient, targeted and agile sales force, consequently enabling them to drive business growth.

Can you share any insights into the future direction of Finance Unlocked and potential enhancements on the horizon?

Finance Unlocked is continuously driven by evolving political, technological, and economic conditions. As advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) continue to reshape industries and sales environments, we anticipate new opportunities to further enhance the training offer and equip partner sales teams with the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly digital and data-driven landscape.

In conclusion, what message would you like to convey to our readers regarding the transformative impact of Finance Unlocked on our partners and the broader asset finance industry? 

Achieving sales targets solely through excellent product knowledge is no longer sufficient. Today, developing empathy and realising the full sales potential requires a deeper understanding of prospective customers, extending beyond product details to encompass a comprehensive grasp of financial matters. Finance Unlocked offers the necessary training to attain this objective, empowering individuals to cultivate meaningful connections with customers and capitalise on sales opportunities with confidence.

Our comprehensive Finance Unlocked training equips you with the knowledge you need to sell the right leasing solutions to your customers, whatever your level of experience. It will help you to maximise the benefits offered by leasing and to effectively handle any customer questions or objections with confidence.

Finance Unlocked provides an understanding of the different finance solutions available and the relative benefits of leasing over cash or a bank loan as a means of acquiring capital equipment, or more bespoke training which is specific to you and your industry. Click here to find out more.

If you’re interested in helping your sales team overcome finance-related hurdles during the selling cycle, please get in touch with Andy on 07966 114 243 or by email.

enquiryWe are committed to your business growth.

Our competitive finance solutions can help you capitalise on new opportunities. Contact us today to discuss your needs with a member of our team.

We’re committed to equipping our partners with the understanding and insight they need to strategically navigate an ever-evolving financial climate. In the 2023 Autumn Statement, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt made full expensing for qualifying plant and machinery permanent. In the recent 2024 Spring Budget, the chancellor announced an ambition to extend this measure to leased assets with draft legislation expected to be published shortly. This is a new development for which the Finance and Leasing Association have been campaigning strongly.

To understand what full expensing is, first it is important to understand what a capital allowance is

What are capital allowances?

Capital allowance is a type of tax relief for UK businesses. It enables businesses to deduct the taxable value of a qualifying asset from their profits, before paying tax. This is in recognition of the depreciative nature of assets.

The long-standing standard capital allowance is known as a writing down allowance. It allows businesses to claim 18% of the tax cost of an asset as an allowance against income or corporation tax every year until disposal. Any unclaimed capital allowances can be claimed upon disposal of the equipment, in many cases the majority of any capital allowance available is not claimed until the end of the investment period. Other capital allowances can provide accelerated tax relief subject to certain conditions. One of these is the Annual Investment Allowance and the other is Full Expensing, they provide similar benefits but differ in terms of what and who qualifies.

Leasing and Capital Allowances 

Capital allowances can be claimed by the entity who is the ‘tax owner’ of the asset.

For a user (lessee) to complete their qualification as tax owner, the finance agreement must also include a provision that they can obtain title to the equipment concerned. Such agreements are commonly known as Hire Purchase.

In the case of leasing agreements where there is no provision for the lessee to acquire title, it is the leasing company who qualifies as the tax owner and who can claim any writing down allowances that are available.

What is full expensing?

Full expensing is a type of capital allowance that was announced in April 2023.It was introduced to stimulate business investment and to accelerate the rate at which capital allowances can be claimed. Subject to qualification, this allowance enables businesses to deduct 100% of the cost price of the asset from taxable profits in the year of purchase (First Year Allowance).

Full expensing can be claimed by the user when qualifying equipment has been purchased outright or is subject to a hire purchase agreement.


Who is eligible for full expensing?

There are some notable exceptions in terms of what and who qualifies for the allowance.

Full expensing is an allowance against corporation tax and is therefore not available to partnerships and sole traders, unlike Annual Investment Allowance, it is also not available for second-hand or used equipment and certain assets (e.g. cars).

A further significant exception is that, unlike writing down allowances, full expensing is not- available to a leasing company when they are the tax owner and the equipment is being used by a third party. This applies to most leasing agreements other than hire-purchase. A review, however, is currently underway with a stated intention to remove this exemption.

Extending full-expensing to leased assets should allow leasing companies to offer their customers a reduction in rental payments and therefore further help stimulate much needed business investment.

What are the benefits?
  • With a current corporation tax rate of between 19% and 25%, full expensing can  reduce the cost of any qualifying capital expenditure by up to an immediate 25%.
  • Hire Purchase allows the user to claim first year full expensing tax relief on the purchase price of the asset whilst spreading the cost of acquisition over a number of years.
  • The OBR (Office for Budget Responsibility) has estimated that there will be a 3.5% increase in business investment in the 2024-25 and 2025-26 tax years because of this initiative.
  • Full expensing encourages businesses to invest in new technology and equipment. This stimulates increased efficiency and enables businesses to make essential improvements to their productivity.


What assets does full expensing currently apply to?

Materials Handling – A Changing MarketIT: Computer equipment and services

Materials Handling: Warehousing and construction equipment

Office Equipment: Such as printers, chairs and desks             

Specialised Technology: Non-residential fire alarm & security systems

Commercial Vehicles: Vans and lorries.



The benefits of utilising full expensing, particularly in conjunction with leasing are substantial for businesses looking to enhance operational efficiencies and spur growth. We are experts in leasing and can help businesses, through our hire purchase agreements to implement full expensing. Contact us to learn more about how we can support your investment into business enhancing assets.

Andy Milsom, Head of Partner Training & Development at BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions

Andy is an experienced sales and finance professional with over 25 years’ experience in sales aid leasing. Andy is widely recognised as an expert in business finance and has in recent years focused his attention on developing partner sales teams develop an understanding of how businesses secure project financing. His training programme – Finance Unlocked – is a highly rated customisable course and is offered at no cost to partners.

If you’re interested in helping your sales team overcome finance-related hurdles during the selling cycle, please get in touch with Andy on 07966 114 243 or email here.

enquiryWe are committed to your business growth.

Our competitive finance solutions can help you capitalise on new opportunities. Contact us today to discuss your needs with a member of our team.

Andy Milsom

Author: Andy Milsom, Head of Partner Training & Development, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions

Key announcements and the economic landscape

Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, has delivered his second budget and fourth fiscal event on Wednesday 6 March. With an upcoming election likely to take place in the latter half of the year, there was enormous political pressure on Mr Hunt to deliver measures that would serve the electoral interests of his parliamentary colleagues. The prevailing mood within the ruling Conservative Party was that cuts in personal taxation would present the best chance of Tory MPs retaining their seats at the forthcoming general election.

Therefore, the big question for the Chancellor was the degree to which he could cut taxes without provoking an adverse market reaction, such as, currency devaluation and the huge increase in government borrowing costs, that followed the unfunded tax cuts announced in the Truss/Kwarteng ‘mini-budget’ of September 2022. Governments set fiscal rules in terms of how much they intend to borrow over the medium term and whilst they can change those rules, market credibility is at risk when they either miss the targets previously set or, to avoid missing them, simply change the target.

The government target in terms of borrowing, is that debt should be falling as a percentage of national income in 5 years’ time. The degree to which this target is on course to be achieved determined whether there was ‘fiscal headroom’ for tax cuts in the short-term. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) is the official Treasury forecaster and as such the key arbitrator to the existence and size of any fiscal headroom.

The OBR forecast that accompanied the budget statement concluded that the recent reduction in the rate of inflation has fed through into lower spending on the portion of government debt linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI). As such, government borrowing is below the £124bn forecast by the OBR in the Autumn Statement of 2023, the OBR also revised it’s forecast for future economic growth, which looks slightly more positive. In the short-term at least, this created some fiscal headroom.


The Chancellor announced that a draft legislation will be published within weeks to extend full-expensing to leased assets. This represents one of the most attractive capital allowance regimes that could drive growth within the asset finance sector.

Currently full-expensing on purchased assets has allowed the full capital allowance for qualifying plant and equipment to be claimed in the year of purchase, this effectively rewards companies with up to 25p off their tax bill for every £1 that they invest. However, leased assets to date, have been exempt from this scheme. The legislation proposed in this budget, which will come into effect after a period of consultation, now gives a similar tax break to leased assets. The Finance and Leasing Association (FLA) have long campaigned for this measure and it will be widely seen within the business world as allowing a fiscal flexibility that ensures UK businesses can keep upgrading to cutting edge and green technology without having to buy the assets required to achieve that objective.


The Chancellor stressed that business investment remains critical to the long-term success of the UK economy, the other measures that were announced were:

  • VAT threshold to be raised from an annual turnover of £85,000 to £90,000.
  • An extension of the small business recovery loan scheme.
  • An extension of regions benefitting from government business funding.
  • Steps to ensure pension funds can extend their investment activities.
  • Support for high tech industries, in particular those related to nuclear energy as well as the arts and life sciences.

Taking all of this into account, the flagship announcement in the budget was a reduction of 2p in the rate of National Insurance Contribution (NIC) payable on earned income by people of working age, as well as continued freezing of fuel and alcohol duty. The NIC announcement followed a similar reduction presented in the Autumn Statement of 2023 and effective from January this year. Given that public expenditure targets set last year were not to be reduced, several tax rises were also announced to help fund these measures. Such measures included the phased removal of ‘non-dom’ tax allowances, the introduction of a tax on vaping products, an increase in certain types of air travel duty and the removal of tax allowances on holiday lets.

Andy Milsom, Head of Partner Training & Development at BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions

Andy is an experienced sales and finance professional with over 25 years’ experience in sales aid leasing. Andy is widely recognised as an expert in business finance and has in recent years focused his attention on developing partner sales teams develop an understanding of how businesses secure project financing. His training programme – Finance Unlocked – is a highly rated customisable course and is offered at no cost to partners.

If you’re interested in helping your sales team overcome finance-related hurdles during the selling cycle, please get in touch with Andy on 07966 114 243 or email here.

enquiryWe are committed to your business growth.

Our competitive finance solutions can help you capitalise on new opportunities. Contact us today to discuss your needs with a member of our team.

The economic landscape of the UK is currently marked by the recent announcement of a technical recession. With a general election also on the horizon, businesses find themselves navigating through an array of challenges. Compounding these challenges is persistent inflation, which remains above the Bank of England’s target at 4%. In such turbulent times, businesses are seeking resilient strategies to maintain stability and foster growth. Leasing can be an excellent option amidst economic uncertainties as it provides the flexibility businesses need to adapt.  


The 2023 Autumn Statement unveiled significant measures aimed at bolstering the business environment. Notable among these were the permanence of full expensing allowances and reductions in national insurance for workers. These initiatives underscored the government’s commitment to creating a conducive environment for business growth.

Full expensing allowances present an attractive proposition for businesses, as they enable the deduction of the full cost of qualifying assets from taxable profits in the year of purchase. This provision applies not only to outright purchases but also to hire purchase agreements. It is therefore a compelling option for businesses looking to get the full capital tax allowance before having to pay for the equipment. With its launch in April last year, it can be speculated to be a contributing factor to the 6.1% increase in capital expenditure for 2023.

The reduction in National Insurance announced in the Autumn Budget did not come into effect until January 2024. Therefore, it is possible that it could lead to increases in consumer spending and have a positive impact on economic growth in the first quarter of the year. It could also be a factor in slowing the rate of any reduction in inflation. 

 SPring Budget Predictions

As anticipation mounts for the Spring Budget 2024, speculation grows regarding the relief measures and incentives that the government may unveil.  

So, what is likely to be on the agenda? 

  • Prioritisation of short-term benefits for consumers: With a general election taking place later in the year it is highly likely that the budget will be aimed at delivering short-term benefits to consumers. 
  • Public Expenditure: It is possible that measures could be taken to improve business investment such as limited increases in public expenditure. This could affect sectors like health and transport. 
  • First Year Tax Allowances: There is potential for the extension of first-year tax allowances to all types of leasing, as advocated by the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA). This move would level the playing field for businesses considering leasing as a viable financing option, further enhancing its attractiveness in the current economic climate. 

Head of Partner Training and Development, and asset finance expert, Andy Milsom, believes that:


The main measures announced in the Spring Budget will almost certainly be driven by political consideration. If there is any increase in government expenditure, the likely beneficiaries will be members of the public through reductions in personal taxation. Certain measures announced in the two financial statements of 2023 were aimed at increasing business investment and it is possible that some limited further initiatives could be taken in this area.” 

In conclusion, the 2024 Spring Budget holds significant implications for the asset finance industry and businesses at large. As stakeholders eagerly await the government’s announcements, the resilience of leasing as a financing strategy becomes increasingly apparent. With its flexibility, tax advantages, and ability to mitigate financial risks, leasing offers businesses a valuable tool for growth amidst economic uncertainties. As the budget unfolds, businesses must remain agile and proactive in leveraging the opportunities presented to them, ensuring that they emerge stronger in the face of  ever-evolving economic challenges.

enquiryWe are committed to your business growth.

Our competitive finance solutions can help you capitalise on new opportunities. Contact us today to discuss your needs with a member of our team.

The Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) has recently announced it is using it’s powers under section 166 to investigate the historical use of discretionary commission arrangements (“DCA”) in the motor finance industry.

As a reminder the FCA’s primary area of responsibility is to regulate consumer credit with consumers being defined as individuals operating in a personal capacity, as a sole-trader or within a partnership of three or less individuals. Given that the payment of commission by finance companies in return for business introductions from equipment suppliers or finance brokers is a common feature within many markets, questions are understandably being raised as to whether the FCA might, in the future, launch a wider investigation into the matter. At this stage, however, it is important to note that, whilst the number of customers involved are huge, the FCA are addressing one specific form of commission applied to one specific market involving only certain finance agreements.

The specific type of commission arrangement involved is one which allowed the person arranging the finance (broker) to adjust the interest rates they offered customers for vehicle finance. Typically, under this type of scheme, the higher the interest rate, the more commission the broker received. This was known as a discretionary commission arrangement and created an incentive for brokers and dealers to increase how much people were charged for their car finance agreement with the customers being unaware that such arrangements applied. This practice was banned by the FCA in January 2021, but there have since been a high number of complaints from customers about how much they were charged on finance agreements provided before the ban.

The FCA investigation which is now underway will apply where a customer used car finance to buy a motor vehicle, for example a car, van, campervan or motorbike, before 28 January 2021 (this includes hire purchase agreements, such as Personal Contract Purchases) and that the lender or broker had a discretionary commission arrangement. The investigation excludes any deal where finance was used to buy a vehicle on or after 28 January 2021 and all deals involving a hire agreement, such as a Personal Contract Hire or any form of leasing where there was no option for the customer to acquire title to the equipment.

Whilst the investigation is in progress the FCA are pausing the complaints process to ensure that if customers are owed compensation, they will get it in the best way possible. As such the normal 8-week deadline for providers to respond to complaints about car finance involving this type of commission will not apply. Customers can still complain to their provider, but they will not have to respond to such complaints until after 25 September 2024, at the earliest.

The FCA investigation and the scale of potential compensation claims will undoubtedly raise general questions about the types of commission arrangements that apply within the finance industry and all concerned will be following the FCA investigation with keen interest.

ITV recently screened an episode of the Martin Lewis Money Show Live which addressed the issue of commission payments offered by finance companies to those involved in the sale of vehicles and actively encouraged consumers to write to their finance companies to ask whether DCA model was used in their agreements.

enquiryWe are committed to your business growth.

Our competitive finance solutions can help you capitalise on new opportunities. Contact us today to discuss your needs with a member of our team.

In 2024, the asset finance industry is set to continue its growth trajectory, building upon its remarkable achievement of £38 billion in new business [1] last year. This represents an impressive growth rate of 11% in 2023 [2], a testament to the sector’s resilience and adaptability amid challenges such as high interest rates, inflationary pressures, and geopolitical tensions. The recent announcement of the UK recession means that leasing can provide flexibility for businesses to manage their resources, in order to access critical equipment. Looking ahead, the prospects for 2024 are promising. Factors like the potential decrease in inflation, stabilisation of interest rates, and the establishment of full expensing as a permanent tax allowance create an ideal environment for businesses to increasingly embrace leasing. We are proud to be at the forefront of driving growth and innovation in various sectors, enabling our partners to harness the benefits of leasing. This article will delve into the key growth areas within the asset finance industry, specifically focusing on green technologies, commercial vehicles, and the healthcare sector, to provide you with the insight you need to strategically navigate the year ahead. 

 Harnessing The Green RevoLution

The UK Government’s commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050 is poised to usher in an era of substantial advancements throughout 2024. From energy supply to agriculture, construction, offices, and transport, the UK anticipates a significant surge in growth across its commercial and industrial landscapes, all aligned with the objective of fulfilling this ambitious goal.  

As we progress towards a Net Zero Carbon future, the needs and expectations of industries will change, posing considerable growth opportunities that can be supported through leasing. In fact, green technology industries are growing four times faster than the rest of UK economy [3]. It’s adoption is more pertinent than ever, proving a crucial matter in the longevity of business success and the climate.  Investment trends in solar panels and heat pumps are indicative of this shift. The UK solar power capacity is projected to increase by 500% by 2030 [4]. While the global heat pump market, valued at £59.68 billion in 2022, is forecasted to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 9.3% by 2030 [5]. These statistics emphasise the growing commitment from businesses and consumers to invest in sustainable technology, as it offers superior long-term investment returns compared to less eco-friendly alternatives.

Further illustrating the potential of sustainable technologies, vertical farming is another area experiencing significant growth. It’s a process that cultivates crops in vertically stacked layers within indoor settings through LED lighting. The global vertical farming market is projected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 5.4% by 2026 [6]. This presents an alternative investment opportunity for farmers, which could make them resilient against the fluctuating costs of fertiliser and fuel. Vertical farming practices could also reduce water usage by up to 95% by some estimates [7], saving agriculture businesses a considerable amount in water and energy costs over the medium to long-term. 

Richard Heckel, Head of Specialised Technology, comments on our expertise in leasing green technologies:

We’re proud to be on the frontier of financing cutting edge equipment that supports both innovation and sustainability. Our expertise in payment solutions, combined with our partners experience in sustainable technologies, equips us to foster business growth aligned with industry goals for our partners and their customers.”

There is an undeniable growing demand for a range of green assets from LED, Solar panels, Battery, and Energy storage, ECV charging, Small Wind Turbines, and beyond. Leasing is a proven tool to strategically offset upfront costs when investing in green technology assets, and our payment solutions help remove barriers to accessing necessary equipment. We believe a sustainable enterprise is both a requirement and an opportunity, and that leasing has a fundamental role to play in this transition to a low carbon economy.   


Projected in solar power capacity by 2030.

9.3% CAGR

Expected in global heat pump market by 2023.

5.4% CAGR

Expected in vertical farming by 2026.

Steering Towards the future: Commercial Vehicles

Throughout 2024 the commercial vehicle sector will continue to undergo significant transformation, further shifting towards eco-friendly transportation. This change is marked by a milestone event that is set to occur in February 2024, with the expected addition of the millionth electric vehicle (EV) on UK roads [8]. This follows a remarkable increase in EV uptake, with a 73.8% rise to 2,964 units in December 2023 alone in comparison to the same month in 2022 [9].  

This surge in EV adoption is not just a trend but a strategic move for businesses. The benefits of an EV fleet are becoming increasingly apparent, outweighing those of traditional petrol and diesel vehicles. Companies are facing high maintenance costs for non-EV fleets, including fuel expenses and congestion zone charges. In contrast, EVs offer a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative.  

The economic benefits of this shift are significant. By 2025, the move to electric cars is predicted to contribute £24 billion to the UK economy [10]. Globally, the EV market is poised for a surge in 2024, driven by decreasing costs, technological advancements, and strong government support.   

 A pivotal turning point was achieved in the electric vehicle space recently, with 50,000 EV chargers officially installed across the UK [11].  This accomplishment represents a 46% increase in the total number of charging devices since November 2022 [12]. We can expect to witness further growth in the infrastructure of electric vehicle (EV) Chargers, as it seeks to keep pace with the growing number of electric vehicles on the road. 

Asset finance is playing a key role in this transition. Businesses are leveraging this approach to modernise their fleets with the latest vehicles and technologies. This shift is crucial for staying competitive and meeting market demands. We have been committed to the commercial vehicles sector for more than 40 years and are expertly positioned to support customers to make the right long-term decisions for their business.  

Sales Manager, Scott Barnett believes:

Leasing electric vehicles presents an advantageous opportunity for businesses of all sizes. It’s not just about embracing a greener footprint; it’s also a strategic financial decision. By leasing EVs, companies can benefit from the operational savings on fuel and maintenance, combined with various government incentives, making EV leasing a practical choice.”  

RevoLutionising Healthcare

The healthcare landscape in 2024 will continue to evolve rapidly, with increasing pressures on the National Health Service (NHS) accelerating change in how healthcare services are delivered. A notable shift is the migration of NHS patients to private practices, a movement driven by the need to alleviate the strain on public health resources. Recent figures from the 2022 UK Health Accounts, provided by the Office for National Statistics, paint a revealing picture of the current financial landscape in the Healthcare sector. Out of Pocket Expenditure, saw a significant increase of 10.4% over 2022 13. In contrast, Government-financed expenditure on healthcare declined by 1.1% 14. This data supports the trend of medical departments such a as radiology or pathology, which are traditionally managed within the NHS, establishing private practices, with the option of continuing to support NHS patients.  

This shift underscores the growing importance of healthcare asset finance, a critical tool enabling public and private healthcare providers to acquire the necessary medical equipment and technology to cater to the needs of their patients.  

The landscape of healthcare in 2024 will therefore be marked by significant transformations, driven by evolving patient needs, technological advancements, and financial pressures. We, as a business, are at the forefront of supporting the healthcare sector’s evolution; recognising the growing demand for innovative healthcare treatments and the impact of restricted budgets on patient health. Our commitment was acknowledged at the LeasingWorld Awards 2023 where we were named ‘Top Technology and Medical Funder’. Through tailored services, we support the growth of our partners, including broker and key vendor channels.  

Ian Swindell, Head of Healthcare UK, highlights the ways in which leasing aids healthcare’s evolving landscape:

Our focus is on supporting practices through these changes with strategic leasing solutions. Our commitment also extends to integrating finance solutions in emerging markets like Physiotherapy and Aesthetics, as well as we’re supporting a move towards service and software models in healthcare, marking a departure from traditional asset ownership.”  


 The Future Of Asset Finance

In summary, 2024 presents a huge capacity for leasing to support and drive growth across green technology, commercial vehicles, and healthcare sectors. By offering flexible, strategic financial solutions, asset finance stands as a key enabler for businesses to adapt and thrive in an increasingly dynamic and sustainable economy. The future of asset finance, therefore, is not just about financial transactions but about being an integral part of a broader movement towards economic resilience, environmental sustainability, and enhanced healthcare delivery. 

[1]  Finance and Leasing Association,   https://www.fla.org.uk/research/asset-finance/ 

[2] Finance and Leasing Association,   https://www.fla.org.uk/research/asset-finance/ 

[3] Green Intelligence, https://www.greenintelligence.org.uk/news/green-industries-growing-four-times-faster-than-the-rest-of-uk-economy/ 

[4] House Grail, https://housegrail.com/solar-energy-statistics-uk/ 

[5]  Green Match, https://www.greenmatch.co.uk/heat-pumps/statistics 

[6] Vertical Farming Planet, https://verticalfarmingplanet.com/vertical-farming-in-the-uk-industry-overview/-  

[7] Vertical Farming Planet, https://verticalfarmingplanet.com/vertical-farming-in-the-uk-industry-overview/  

[8] Fleet World, https://fleetworld.co.uk/uk-on-course-for-one-million-evs-on-roads-by-february-2024/  

[9] SMMT, https://www.smmt.co.uk/2024/01/uk-demand-for-new-vans-grows-in-every-month-of-2023-as-businesses-go-electric-in-record-numbers/ 

[10] Green Fleet, https://greenfleet.net/news/22062020/electric-vehicles-could-benefit-uk-economy-ps24bn-2025 

[11] EZ Charger, https://ez-charge.co.uk/2024-what-to-expect-for-ev-charging-in-the-year-ahead/ 

[12] ZapMap, https://www.zap-map.com/ev-stats/how-many-charging-points#:~:text=At%20the%20end%20of%20November%202023%2C%20there%20were,charging%20devices%20were%20added%20to%20the%20Zapmap%20database. 

[13] Office for National Statistics, https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/healthcaresystem/datasets/healthaccountsreferencetables-

[14] Office for National Statistics, https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/healthcaresystem/datasets/healthaccountsreferencetables- 

enquiryWe are committed to your business growth.

Our competitive finance solutions can help you capitalise on new opportunities. Contact us today to discuss your needs with a member of our team.

BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK operates in multiple markets with more than 50 years of expertise within the asset and finance solutions industry.

This core team at BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions has recently welcomed new Sales Director, Mark Harris in December 2022, who is taking the baton from Chris Cowell, who has moved into working on a variety of specific missions in the business.

“It has been a pleasure to join the BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions’ UK team and work with talented colleagues to bring innovative and efficient leasing & asset finance solutions to our partners. I look forward to further building our relationships with our stakeholders, strengthening our position in the market, and expanding our horizons for growth and development.”

– Mark Harris, Sales Director OST, Technology and Lifecycle Solutions, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK


I am pleased to appoint Mark Harris as our incoming Sales Director. His wealth of highly specialised knowledge is a great benefit to BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions. We look forward to working with him to provide the best possible financial solutions to our partners.”

– Rachel Appleton, CEO, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK

Mark brings with him a wealth of experience, having worked in sales for 25 years, as well as a unique B2B skillset in the financial sector. Having previously worked as Head of Sales, he is well-attuned to the needs of the industry, bringing his extensive knowledge and business acumen to Leasing Solutions UK.

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Rebecca Rabbitts @ marketing.leasingsolutions@uk.bnpparibas.com

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At an Awards ceremony in London, attended by representatives from across the asset finance industry, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK has been awarded the top prize in two prestigious categories:

  • Top Vendor Specialist
  • Outstanding International Bank-Owned Lessor

BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions team with Top Vendor Specialist and Outstanding International Bank-Owned Lessor awards at LeasingWorld Gold Awards Dinner

The Awards, organised by leading industry media platform LeasingWorld, recognise the performance of the UK’s key funders.

Considering the Top Vendor Specialist category, judges were looking for “the funder that has the most impressive commitment to vendor schemes, web-based vendor service support, and committed specialists giving its suppliers, dealers and manufacturers the latest and the best of what asset finance sales finance programmes can offer.”

The Outstanding International Bank-Owned Lessor award recognises international banks that have “established leasing companies in the UK that have become very much part of our UK leasing scene, have thrived and developed their businesses in imaginative ways.”

We’re thrilled to have received this industry recognition. We strive to work in partnership with our valued customers to support them in achieving their business objectives, particularly in these challenging times.
As part of a global banking brand we can offer stability, consistency and access to expertise from across the group. At the same time, with more than 50 years’ industry experience in the UK, our specialist teams are close to the ground and committed to supporting our vendor customers and partners.”

– Rachel Appleton, CEO BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK


For Media enquiries, please contact:

Rebecca Rabbitts @ marketing.leasingsolutions@uk.bnpparibas.com

Top Vendor Specialist Leasing World Gold Awards 2022 Winner Logo

Top Vendor Specialist LeasingWorld Gold Awards 2022 Winner Logo

Outstanding International Bank Owned Lessor Winner Logo

Outstanding International Bank Owned Lessor LeasingWorld Gold Awards 2022 Winner Logo

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BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK operates in multiple markets with more than 50 years of expertise within the asset and finance solutions industry. They have further bolstered their position in the construction and materials handling markets, with the addition of two new members to the team.

Sam Reddish

Sam Reddish

The appointments of Sam Reddish as UK Sales Manager, and Alina Bostan as Area Sales Manager reflect BNP Paribas’ ongoing commitment to the construction and materials handling sectors and complement their experienced team, operating across the UK.


I’m excited for this new role and very much look forward to growing our retail and wholesale finance solutions, establishing new relationships and building on BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions’ long-standing reputation as a customer focused financing partner.

Sam Reddish, UK Sales Manager, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK


I have over 7 years’ experience in financial services, 4 of them in wholesale. I’m really looking forward to helping our partners and customers achieve their business goals, by investing the time to learn about their challenges and objectives and offering bespoke solutions.
Alina Bostan

Alina Bostan

  • – Alina Bostan, Area Sales Manager, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK


“I am delighted with the appointment of Sam and Alina both of whom will bring experience, energy and knowledge to their respective roles and will focus on driving forward our partner relationships in the Materials Handling sector.
BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions has a long history in the Materials Handling sector and these appointments confirm our ongoing commitment to grow our footprint in this sector and supporting our partners to achieve their strategic ambitions.”
  • – Tim Pulleyn, Head of Broker Sales, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK

Both additions possess a vast knowledge of sales and asset finance and are experienced in working alongside a variety of manufacturers and dealers. Sam brings with him a fantastic skillset, previously holding the role of National Key Account Manager; Alina has a strong reputation for leadership and delivering on customer’s needs, which will be an asset to the team.

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Rebecca Rabbitts @ marketing.leasingsolutions@uk.bnpparibas.com

enquiryWe are committed to your business growth.

Our competitive finance solutions can help you capitalise on new opportunities. Contact us today to discuss your needs with a member of our team.

7th April 2022 – BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions (BNP Paribas), Europe’s leading providers of asset finance and leasing solutions, yesterday hosted their “Partner Economic Forum.”

Following the success of BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions’ pre-pandemic events, the Forum brought together key influencers and stakeholders within finance and technology to discuss the latest industry developments.

Held at BNP Paribas’ Central London Headquarters, the event recognised the hard work of the leasing and finance industries throughout the Coronavirus pandemic and looked forward to a greener, more economically viable future.  

BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions latest event marked the launch of the company’s new Green Technology business segment, “Tech for Good”. The new scheme will give businesses greater opportunities to use leasing to improve their green credentials, including optimising asset efficiency to grow revenue.

The conference featured a wide range of leading speakers from across BNP Paribas Group, including Paul Hollingsworth, BNP Paribas Chief European Economist, Martin Ardern, Head of Business Development at BNP Paribas Technology Lifecycle Solutions, Tracey Fuller, UK Head of CSR, Sarisher Mann, Sustainable Finance Communications Expert, and Graham Drew, Country Manager at BNP Paribas 3STEP IT.

The Economic Forum event, gathered together over 100 key influencers and partners of BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions. Panels highlighted the current economic climate, alongside ESG reporting and sustainability across the leasing finance sector. It also facilitated sector wide discussions from a range of esteemed companies such as Ricoh Capital, Kyocera and Acer, to share stories and network with industry colleagues.

Kickstarting the event, Martin Ardern, Head of Business Development at BNP Paribas Technology Lifecycle Solutions, said:

“BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions are delighted to welcome our friends, partners and colleagues from across the finance and leasing industries to our Partner Economic Forum. It is fantastic to finally be able to bring key influencers and players together after such an unprecedented two years for our sectors.”

Following that, BNP Paribas’ Chief European Economist, Paul Hollingsworth, provided a holistic macroeconomic outlook from a financial perspective. He said:

“Following the pandemic, the impacts of Brexit and now the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the shocks to the economy and the subsequent impact on inflation are becoming impossible to ignore. This is causing a squeeze on consumer incomes, and we expect to see this continue in the short-term.

“My takeaway is that it looks like we may be heading towards a stagflation environment, but I’m not sure we’re there yet. I don’t think the shock we’re seeing at the moment, is going to be a full-blown recession.”

Discussing ESG in the contemporary finance industry, Sarisher Mann, Sustainable Finance Communications Expert and Finance Engagement Communications Manager at BNP Paribas, said: 

“Environmental Social Governance is fast becoming a crucial lever in the way global businesses are run. In 2012, the Green Finance market was valued at around $5 billion and today it is over $540 billion. To accelerate this evolution, BNP Paribas has created a wide range of tangible solutions to help clients in their transition towards net zero. This includes targeting renewable energy, circular economy approaches, green buildings and mobility.”

Tracey Fuller, UK Head of CSR at BNP Paribas, added: 

“At BNP Paribas, we are passionate and committed to creating a sustainable future for the economy, our staff and society. It is crucial for corporates, big and small, to support knowledge sharing, learn, and generate ideas to scale up and create a sustainable culture shift. BNP Paribas has created several initiatives to support staff empowerment including toolkits, recognition of CSR engagement and open forums for discussion. We look forward to collaborating with our ecosystem on this journey towards a more sustainable future for all.”

Later on, Graham Drew, Country Manager at BNP Paribas 3STEP IT, discussed Technology Lifecycle Management (TLM) for Channel Partners. He explained:

“The global pandemic has taught us we need to adapt to ongoing challenges, particularly the issues of sustainability and waste disposal.

“In three to five years’ time, we will see a tsunami of technology waste as pandemic purchased devices reach the end of their lifespan. Our research shows that 87% of business owners don’t know where this technology waste goes. It is imperative that there is investment at every level into new, sustainable solutions that give technology a second life.

“At BNP Paribas 3STEP IT, our solutions equip clients with the tools they need to address and meet their net zero targets, by responsibility refurbishing and recycling a wide range of technology products.”

The Partner Economic Forum was hosted by BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, the European leader in asset finance, who specialise in leasing and rental solutions for professional equipment, offered either directly to businesses or through its partners and their distribution channels.

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Rebecca Rabbitts @ marketing.leasingsolutions@uk.bnpparibas.com

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