BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK has appointed Marc Berry, Head of ICT Sales with effect from September 2023. Marc brings a wealth of experience in sales and leadership, having demonstrated an impressive track record at companies such as Lombard and most recently HPE Financial Services, where he held a number of leadership positions over a 20-year tenure, the most recent being VP Sales EMEA. His ability to connect with people, combined with his team-oriented mindset, has consistently yielded positive outcomes. Marc’s appointment reflects the continued commitment of Leasing Solutions to the ICT market and an exciting chapter in the evolution of ICT sales for Technology Lifecycle Solutions.


It’s been a smooth transition into the role and I feel empowered to use my years of knowledge in the sector to help drive the ICT business forward. My first few weeks in the role have been fantastic and I’ve really enjoyed the challenge of better understanding the business as well as meeting our partners. BNP Paribas is a great brand in the market and I’m looking forward to helping the team expand our existing relationships, opening new ones and growing this important segment of the  business.’’ 

Marc Berry, Head of the ICT Sales Team for BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK


Marc is a real people person and a team player. He prides himself in building mutually profitable relationships and winning new business and I am confident that he can support our ambitions to continue to grow ICT for the future.”

– Rachel Appleton, Head of the Technology Lifecycle Solutions Unit for BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK

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Office Equipment is a multi-billion-pound industry; its solutions are used in every business, government, office, home, school, hospital, and warehouse across the UK. But what are the recent challenges that the market has faced?  

In this article we explore the changing dynamics of the Office Equipment market, alongside our BNP Paribas Leasing Solution experts, Mark Harris, Office Equipment Sales Director, and Mark Broad, National Account Sales Manager. We’ll be looking at the key challenges faced by dealers and manufacturers, and the strategies employed to overcome them. We’re keen to be at the forefront of shaping the future direction of the market and the emergence of new business models and collaborations.

Addressing Pandemic-induced Shifts

The 2020 pandemic brought about a significant shift in work culture, with the rise of remote work leading to reduced time spent in traditional office spaces. Consequently, the demand for office equipment such as printers and copiers declined, causing a substantial drop in recurring revenue for dealers in that market. “Anecdotally, we have heard that some dealers experienced a staggering 40% decline in revenue, creating a challenging environment for their businesses to thrive” explains Mark Broad. FLA figures support this evidence, showing that the IT equipment finance sector has reduced in new business volume by 58% from this time last year (figures taken in March 2023)⁽¹⁾. 

To mitigate this revenue loss, Office Equipment dealers have been actively exploring new revenue streams and diversifying their product offerings. Recognising this shift, top manufacturers are adjusting their business models to support the dealer network. However, the ability to adapt and diversify remains a crucial factor in determining the long-term survival of dealers in the evolving market.  

How is the market evolving to overcome challenges? 

Despite the changes brought on by the pandemic, Mark Harris believes that “print is not going to disappear entirely from all office environments. Instead, it is likely to evolve based on business needs and models. Finance firms are working towards staying relevant by offering the right products and supporting diversification efforts”. 

An interesting point to note is that the challenges posed by supply chain disruptions have accelerated trends towards sustainability and innovation industry-wide. The circular economy is gaining prominence, with a focus on refurbishing and reusing office equipment instead of sending it to landfill. Offices are increasingly seeing their e-waste as part of their ESG and CSR ambitions. Using refurbished office equipment and being able to refurb and recycle their redundant tech helps support their sustainability goals. For instance, electronic waste is the fastest growing waste stream on the planet, and the source of 70% of landfill toxic waste. Re-use reduces clients’ e-waste contribution by around 48%⁽²⁾. 

We have also seen more joint ventures and mergers in recent years. These collaborations allow manufacturers to achieve economies of scale, diversify their suppliers and future-proof their operations. This approach not only helps mitigate supply chain issues but also fosters greater collaboration among manufacturers in the Office Equipment market. 

A Future of Adaptation and Collaboration

The Office Equipment market is currently in a discovery phase, as stakeholders are actively exploring new ways of operating in response to changing demands. Partners are seeking more flexibility, leading to a shift towards documentation and contracts that accommodate the sale of multiple products on a single agreement. Mark Harris considers that this would be a significant step forward, “Traditional contracts are less relevant to new technologies. The industry has already been working towards developing a “universal contract” that can encompass various products and terms in one contract, adapting to the evolving needs of customers.”  

Moreover, the future of the Office Equipment market may likely witness a consolidation of print manufacturers through collaborations and joint ventures. Mark Broad deduces that, “Through collaboration, manufacturers are motivated to future-proof their businesses against supply chain disruptions and gain the advantages of economies of scale. Notable collaborations, such as FujiFilm and Xerox, highlight this trend towards increased partnership and consolidation.” 

While the Office Equipment market has faced challenges and experienced declines it is far from dying out. Instead, it is finding a new balance in response to changing demands and work environments. Dealers and manufacturers are adapting their strategies, diversifying their offerings, and exploring collaborative partnerships. As the market continues to evolve, the industry is embracing more flexible contracts and sustainable practices, ultimately paving the way for a resilient and innovative future in the Office Equipment market. 

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For customers with a tax year ending on 31st March, the time to review capital equipment expenditure for the current financial year is now. This will include most sole traders and individuals trading within a partnership. There is, however, a need to act fast. There are two generous capital allowance schemes available under a hire purchase agreement. In order to qualify, any equipment concerned must be on site and available for use within the financial year in which the allowance is claimed.

For those businesses in the final quarter of their financial year, the two allowances referred to above enable the full capital allowance of a newly acquired asset to be offset against tax in this financial year. The added benefit is that, under a hire purchase agreement, payment for the equipment concerned can be spread over a number of future years. The two schemes are:


Annual Investment Allowance


A capital allowance equating to 100% of the cost price of a qualifying asset can be claimed against tax in the year of acquisition. This allowance has a cap of £1,000,000 for the calendar year 2022. It is available on new and used equipment and can be claimed against both income and corporation tax. This means that all business trading styles can benefit from the scheme.




A capital allowance equating to 130% of the cost price of a qualifying asset can be claimed against tax in the year of acquisition. You read it correctly! This scheme allows a business to claim a tax allowance on a sum that is 30% more than the actual cost of the asset. By any standard, this is one of the most generous tax allowances ever introduced.


Whilst there is no cap on the amount of expenditure allowed under this scheme during 2022, the allowance can only be claimed against corporation tax. This means it is not available to sole-traders and partnerships. Unlike the annual investment allowance, super-deduction is available for new equipment only. It is also worth pointing out that it cannot be claimed in cases where assets are purchased for onward hire.


Cars cannot be included for either allowance, but commercial vehicles, plant and machinery all qualify, subject to the conditions described above.


Many businesses have a financial year ending March 2022, and this can act as a powerful and immediate incentive to bring forward capital expenditure to reduce any current tax liability. To benefit from these allowances before the end of their financial year, a business needs to ensure that any qualifying equipment, acquired by way of a hire purchase agreement, is ordered and delivered during the current quarter.


A hire purchase agreement allows businesses to acquire the equipment they need now and get the full benefits of the generous capital allowances currently available, without the need for a large cash outlay. In other words, businesses can get the tax allowances in their current financial year but spread the cost of purchase over a number of future years. A further point to note is that the interest element on a hire purchase agreement can also be offset against tax as a business expense. This means that for companies expecting to see an increase in corporation tax from 19% to 25% from April 2023, the real cost of any hire purchase agreement signed this year will reduce from that date.


In conclusion, and providing stock is available, there are many businesses that have a strong financial incentive to bring forward the acquisition of capital equipment. This means they will be able to retain cash for investment elsewhere. Capital allowances claimed now, on equipment subject to hire purchase agreements, provide the perfect solution.


BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions is not authorised to provide tax advice. You should consult an accountant in order to understand the tax consequences of any investment decision.

Andy MilsomAndy Milsom, Head of Partner Training & Development at BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions

Andy is an experienced sales and finance professional with over 25 years’ experience in sales aid leasing. Andy is widely recognised as an expert in business finance and has in recent years focused his attention on developing partner sales teams develop an understanding of how businesses secure project financing. His training programme – Finance Unlocked – is a highly rated customisable course and is offered at no cost to partners.

If you’re interested in helping your sales team overcome finance-related hurdles during the selling cycle, please get in touch with Andy on 07966 114 243 or email here.

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Our competitive finance solutions can help you capitalise on new opportunities. Contact us today to discuss your needs with a member of our team.

According to a recent study by the workspace experts Actinéo, many professionals are growing more and more comfortable with working remotely. Already, nearly 50% of professionals work from outside their company’s office at least occasionally. From teleworking to flex offices and co-working spaces, the workplace is becoming more and more flexible. Here’s everything you need to know about this trend.

Companies are shaking up the way they work

Though they remain the norm for 67% of office workers, individual workstations (cubicles or open offices) are gradually being replaced by new ways of organizing work. 


This trend is also changing company premises. With the flex office, employees no longer have assigned desks, but can choose instead to work in different spaces according to their needs — individual workstations, open-access meeting rooms or privacy bubbles.


Companies have fully grasped this trend, as growing numbers seek to enhance the agility of their offices by offering workspaces that are modular, multi functional and flexible. 

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By Jean-Michel Boyer, CEO, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK

Most businesspeople will acknowledge that technology is fundamental to the modern office – and that a level of investment in it is essential.

At the same time, not everyone understands the full scope of what it has to offer. We know that printers, scanners and copiers are fundamental to the working environment, but when it comes to cutting-edge ‘smart’ technologies, we tend to put them in the ‘nice to have’ box. 3D Printers, devices interconnected through the Internet of Things, and other innovations may be interesting, but are they essential – especially to a business with tight margins to consider?

The answer is yes. Because if a company can afford the right technology, it’s better equipped to reduce costs, improve staff productivity, get ahead of the competition, and scale operations. The key, however, is being able to access it in an affordable and sustainable manner.

Drawing your technology roadmap

So how can businesses afford the latest technology?

Purchasing office technology outright has several drawbacks. The allure of ownership tends to fade when measured against its costs. Even if a company has the money to buy new-to-market, advanced equipment up front, the expense does not end with the initial transaction.

Implementation takes time, costs money, and may require expertise that the business does not have. Maintenance and support are always ongoing considerations. Even if there are no breakdowns or issues, old models are eventually replaced by new ones – meaning the business must fork out for the latest technology or risk falling behind their competitors. There’s also the issue of company growth: if an organisation is expanding at a rate that outpaces its technology setup, efficiency is often the main casualty.

With obsolescence and frustration seemingly built-in, the costs of new technology may seem unjustifiable to customers. But technology isn’t unaffordable: businesses just need to find new ways to afford it.

Leasing is already popular in the market, and this popularity is steadily growing. The value of financing new technology without a huge upfront outlay is appealing to VARs and their end-users alike. In fact, the Finance and Leasing Association (FLA) reported a 6% increase in business equipment finance in June 2017 compared to the previous year.

Benefits for end-users

Businesses that finance their technology in this way benefit from predictable, transparent costs and terms: agreeing to monthly payments across a pre-determined contractual length, they can spread the cost of technology as far as they need to. Furthermore, it often represents a better deal for these businesses: implementation, maintenance, and other value-add services can be rolled into the initial contract – safeguarding against the possibility of any potential breakdowns or setup issues.

More than anything, though, alternative financing models like this unshackle companies from commitment. A business can often find itself in a marriage of convenience with its creaking, outdated machines: they’re too expensive to replace – in some cases, too expensive to even dispose of – but too old to scale up. Leasing allows companies to upgrade as soon as the contractual period ends – meaning your end-users aren’t wedded to equipment that no longer serves their interests.

Benefits for VARs

For VARs, this model also offers several advantages. Leasing encourages long-term customer loyalty: a single purchase may be a mutually beneficial one-off affair, but finance agreements spread across a period of one to three years helps them to form meaningful relationships.

Being able to add soft costs such as consultancy, training and implementation into any arrangement will naturally appeal to customers, who increasingly want more from their dealings with suppliers. When VARs can give it to them, they’re also in a better position to make the most of up-sell and cross-selling opportunities where appropriate.

A new lease on corporate life

Leasing also supports a more sustainable approach to office technology: it provides a clear alternative to the traditional, wasteful economic model in favour of a ‘circular’ approach that prioritises maintenance, reuse, refurbishment, and recycling.

Both the office equipment industry and its customers stand to benefit from exploring alternative financial options. Technology is seldom as expensive as we think it is: if we balk at the upfront cost of an item, there are often other ways to secure it. Make your customers aware of their options, and they’re more likely to exercise them.

We are committed to your business growth. Our competitive finance solutions can help you capitalise on new opportunities. Contact us today to discuss your needs with a member of our team.

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By Chris Cowell, Office Equipment Sales Director, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions UK

The way we purchase things has radically changed in the last twenty years – for businesses and consumers alike.

These changes have come about in response to shifts in technology, shifts in economies, and shifts in customer demand. People want to lease, rent, or pay monthly because the value of their big purchases tends to deteriorate rapidly, and new billing structures offer a rather more consistent experience.  

Of course, where office equipment is concerned, this payment structure is hardly a new phenomenon. If you’re working in this industry, you’re likely somewhat ahead of the pay monthly curve.

Still, the tech titans of today can teach printer resellers a thing or two. If you’re a reseller, you’ll benefit from learning these lessons before your immediate competitors do.

Offer product choice.

There’s a tendency among some resellers to treat all customers as if they have the same interests and expectations. The problem is that where offices are concerned, one size certainly does not fit all.

The same could be said of your average Netflix customer. But its platform accounts for the eclectic viewing tastes of its customers: action films, period dramas, stand up-comedy, and more. Over time, it also develops a clear idea of each user’s habits and preferences, and will be able to make an informed guess as to which film or programme from Netflix’s vast library they might like to watch next. These recommendations are good, but crucially, they’re also very easy for the customer to act on.

Printer resellers would do well to adopt a similar approach: provide a wide variety of products, offer them a la carte, and support and guide the customer throughout the buying process. If there is an opportunity to draw up a contract that discounts related items on a pay monthly basis (for example, toner and paper) you should inform the customer.

When the customer feels like you’re always trying to accommodate their needs and provide the best deals, you’ll be at an advantage when they sign up – and when it’s time to renew.

Offer choice products.

Music taste is rarely consistent: even if you’ve always preferred a specific genre, you’re liable to get sick of a particular song or artist. When you buy an album for £10, you get 10-13 songs on average; over several commutes and car journeys, you’ll likely be itching for something new – whereupon you can buy another album.

Of course, just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Streaming music services like Spotify and Tidal give you unlimited access to thousands of popular and obscure artists’ entire discographies for a nominal monthly fee. For the price of one album, you can get access to millions.

Resellers might not be able to offer the same value ratio, but the basic idea holds. The money a customer has budgeted for new office equipment will get them new office equipment – but they’ll eventually grow out of it. When they do, there’s no assurance that they’ll come back to you for an upgrade. If they can lease monitors, PCs, printers, phones, and everything else at a fraction of the original cost, and with the promise that they can upgrade the minute new versions of this equipment are released, it’ll be much easier for them to justify the initial outlay and any future renewals.

You’ll forge a relationship, not process a transaction.

Offer both on demand.

For better or worse, the shape of a business changes over time – and not always in ways the owner can anticipate. Where one printer might serve a team of 5-10 employees reasonably well, it might buckle under the strain of 25+. If a company needs to scale up urgently but didn’t anticipate the cost of the new item in their budget, they’ll have to find the money elsewhere – or simply go without.

Equipment leasing providers already provide a viable alternative, but they’d be well-advised to seek further inspiration from Netflix – and make it even more convenient for customers to bolster their office setup.

If you’re signed up to Netflix’s single-screen plan, for example, you pay a certain amount per month. That gets you a single screen with standard definition viewing: if you’re one person watching it on a tablet or a phone, that’ll likely suit you well enough. But what if you get into a relationship and want to share your subscription with your new partner? Opt for an upgraded plan, and you get one additional screen. Let’s say your relationship goes well, and you rear a growing brood of TV-mad children. In this case, you can pay a little more for their premium plan: 4 screens, Ultra HD – for a little more money.

The genius of these price plans is that they effectively scale with the customer’s life trajectory. If you can do the same with your business customer’s requirements and allow them to upscale at their pleasure, you’ll profit from it.

In fact, this model may well be the most effective, reliable way for printer resellers to turn a profit at all. Customers are increasingly disinclined to pay for items that have built-in obsolescence. You’ll always get a good selection of movies and TV programmes from Netflix; your Spotify subscription will always give you access to a vast archive of old and new music; Adobe CS6 will give you industry-leading design tools at a manageable price point.

Buying vital equipment outright forces the customer to compromise. The trouble is that customers no longer feel like they have to compromise. For the most part, this is a good thing. When printer resellers and customers alike are in it for the long haul, both will benefit.

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