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Drones and data: shaping future farming

Drones topped the list of AgTech investment areas in the United States in 2015. Below we bring you an overview of our report on data-driven agriculture.

A lot has been written about AgTech, and those reports often include information on innovation in the field of food production and distribution – FoodTech. However, startups in the FoodTech sector, which is an adjacent field to AgTech, do not have to deal with exactly the same challenges as those that specialise in agriculture. In addition, sums invested in this area are dwarfed by the colossal amount of capital flowing into, for example, the on-demand economy.

Hence the need to take a separate look at AgTech, which is revolutionising the farming industry through the collection and analysis of data. Accordingly, the report places 92 US startups under the microscope, examining the extent of investment in the AgTech field and seeking to identify the various trends in data-driven farming. The techniques involved include such innovations as unmanned aerial vehicles and robotics, sensors to monitor animal and crop production, imaging satellites, plus water management and weather forecasting.

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