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Future of the digital workplace now taking shape

Unified communications, real-time collaboration, internal chatbots and personal assistants – today’s main technology trends are giving us a foretaste of what our working environment will feel like in the near future.

Don’t talk about your ‘workstation’ any more. Get used to the idea of the ‘digital workplace’. Over the years our business environment has become entirely digital. Goodbye to desk diaries, phone directories, Who’sWho booklets, business cards, you name it. The last bits of paper that were cluttering up our desks have vanished. Even the good old family photo that used to sit in a frame on your desk has now become your screen wallpaper.

Along the way we have seen the arrival of virtualisation and then the Cloud. Using portals and shared work spaces, company employees can nowadays access apps and useful information from one and the same interface. They can work where and when they want – at home, in an airport or at a hotel, at a fixed workstation, on a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

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